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The Neal and Amie Podcast

The Neal and Amie Podcast

Hosted by: Neal and Amie Preston

Do you thirst for joy and meaning? Join Neal and Amie for their inspirational podcast discussing life’s joys and struggles. Tune in each week as Neal and Amie discuss cutthroat real opinions, unconventional Christian...


God Bless and Forgive America (radio program)

Season #5

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Masculine Purpose - Fatherlessness (Ahab)

Season #5

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Training Vs. Trying - Purpose

Season #5

This is one of life’s greatest questions….. How do I know my purpose or mission in life? What on earth am I here for? The discovery of this answer is the key to fulfillment. Our whole heart and mind should be given to...
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Training Vs. Trying - Money

Season #5

FINANCE - MONEY It’s time to change our views on finances. For some of us…. Money makes like a bird and flies far far away. For others… it’s like you have holes in your purse For some people money is everything… for...
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Training Vs. Trying - Relationships

Season #5

Big Idea: Becoming who you are called to become will happen through training. Trying is not enough, training is the fastest way to transformation. Trying is sporadic and based on whims, moods, and will power. Training...
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Training Vs. Trying - Health

Season #5

Today’s episode is Titled - Training vs. Trying Big Idea: Becoming who you are called to become will happen through training. Trying is not enough, training is the fastest way to transformation. Trying is sporadic and...
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Training Vs. Trying - Firm Foundation

Season #5

Big Idea: Becoming who you are called to become will happen through training. Trying is not enough, training is the fastest way to transformation. Trying is sporadic and based on whims, moods, and will power. Training...
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"Reverse the Curse" Part 3 Joseph's Journey - Coat of Many Colors

Season #5

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"Reverse the Curse" Joseph's Journey Part 2- Coat of Many Colors

Season #5

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Triplefect Men Night 1 [3 part kickoff series]

Season #5

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WayFinder “Overcoming Self Destructive Habits” [Guest - Ronnie Haigler]

Season #5

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Easter 2024 "A Good Dark Friday"

Season #5

Today is what is known as “Good Friday” if you are a follower of Jesus… It’s kind of a play on words… because those who were at the actual event of “Good Friday” it did not look good at the moment. This was the moment...
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