N+A blog


Brighter Days “Matter of Moments”

Apr 16, 2023
Asha Faith James
Brighter Days “Matter of Moments”

Intro: Hi I’m Neal Preston. My wife, Amie and I, along with our three children Bradlie, Kaden, Quince and an entourage of extended family and friends have all dedicated ourselves to helping lost, hurting and broken people find their God-given calling and make life count. We do this through creating resources that affect, effect and infect people's lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. Last year we wrote a book called WayFinder, A Wake-Up Call For A Wandering Soul. The concept we are talking about today was sparked from a chapter in WayFinder called Brighter Days. 


Let’s jump into today’s episode. 

Que: Blinded by the Light 

“It’s crazy how a man can move from the depths of darkness and despair to light and bright in a matter of moments.” WayFinder Chapter 13 Brighter Days 

In a matter of moments life can drastically change! 

We can be transformed from grim and dark to light and bright in seconds. 

It doesn’t always happen that way. But it certainly can and does happen. 

As the scripture says in John 9:25, “I once was blind but now I see.” 

Imagine being the man born blind. People all around you are talking about how beautiful things look, constantly saying things like “look at this!” or “Did you see that?” You are left in the dark never knowing what they are talking about never having a clue of what things actually look like. All you can do is use your imagination…. 

Then the blind man has an encounter with the one who was capable of changing His world. 

The blind man meets Jesus and suddenly life moves from darkness to light. 

In a matter of moments the blind man is no longer a blind man. His Identity has changed. 

Now he is the man that used to be blind. 

Now he is the man who once was blind but now can see! 

The same thing happened to a man named Saul. 

He was a killer of Christians, someone who persecuted those who walked in the Ways of Jesus. 

He was on a mission to destroy what Jesus was trying to do and SUDDENLY, in a MATTER of MOMENTS his world was changed. He was stopped in his tracks. He was blinded by the light. 

Let’s dig a little deeper into this game changing moment in the life of Saul. 

If you look around… so many things change in a matter of moments! Both for Good and Bad. 

We all know, have seen, experienced or at least heard of life shattering events that cause people to go into dark places. 

Unexpected deaths. 

Doctors diagnose a fatal or life changing disease


Natural Disasters… This list can go on and on. 


We know the depths of how things can change for the worse in a matter of moments. 

But let’s look at the flip side. How about when life suddenly changes for the better. 

That’s what our new book WayFinder is designed to help you see. 

Yes, though life can bring incredibly difficult hurtful things to us, if we look in the right direction, or I should say to the right source, life can move from dim and dark to light and bright in a matter of seconds. 

Many of us waste so many precious years wandering aimlessly from job to job, relationship to relationship and addiction to addiction without discovering our true God given purpose. 

That’s why we titled the book WayFinder, A Wake Up Call for A Wandering Soul. 

You see, there is a better way. A way that is light and easy, a way that doesn’t have a burden that has to be carried alone. Your job is to seek to discover that way. We have made it our mission to help you find the way. 

Let’s double back to this guy Saul. The killer of Christians. 

This story is found in the book of Acts Chapter 9. 

This is me just giving you the basic points of the story found in that chapter, not reading the actual chapter to you.  

Saul was on his way down a road that led to a town called damascus. 

He heard a voice from heaven and saw a bright light. 

This light blinded him. The voice said to Saul, “Why are you persecuting me?” 

Jesus was the one speaking. Jesus said, “It’s hard to kick against the goads.” 


What He meant was, it’s hard to go against God. If God is going in a direction and you are going against it you won’t win that battle. 

This moment was known as Sauls moment of conversion. This is when Saul's life pivoted in a new direction. He was going one way. Then he “Saw the light” and it took his life in a brand new direction. This happened in a “Matter of Moments.”  

This radically changed the course of Saul's life. 

His purpose shifted from destruction of Christians to construction of Christians. 

Instead of destroying those who followed the way, he began to live his life to help people discover the way. 

His identity was completely changed and it happened suddenly. 

It happened in a matter of moments. 

I’m here to tell you, this happened to me. And it can also happen to you. 

If you are sick of your circumstances, stuck in a rut, longing for light and longing for purpose you are positioned for a miracle from God. 

I’ve seen it time and time again. 

Today could be the beginning of your wake up call. 

Don’t lose hope. Lean into hope. Something amazingly good can come upon you in a matter of moments. 

Can I pray for you? 

Jesus, thank you for making a way for humanity to leave darkness and step into light. 

I pray for my friend who is listening. If they find themselves in a position of not knowing which way to go, please show them your way. If they find themselves in a position of not being able to see, as if they are sitting in darkness, open their eyes and allow them to see. If they find themselves wandering aimlessly through life without mission or purpose, help them to see that you created them for more than that, and you have their destiny mapped out for them, they simply need to get on the way. Help them to discover that you have the way, because you are the way. In Jesus Name, Amen. 

If you are ready to begin to follow Jesus and His way for your life, repeat this prayer after me. 

Lord Jesus, I want to know you. I have wandered this life without you long enough. 

Show me who you are. Teach me how to follow you. Fill me with your Spirit. I want to discover all you have created me to be. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen 

If you made that life changing decision and are ready to learn to follow Jesus and discover His plans for you then get a hold of us. We want to send you resources that will jumpstart your journey toward your divine destiny.

Go to our website for more information. Send us a message and share your story with us. You can also find us on social media @ neal and amie

If you are in the Kern River Valley or surrounding area, come to one of our gatherings at the Square in Wofford Heights. We meet Sundays at 10:30 and host Wednesday Night worship, workshops and youth events every Wednesday at 6PM

Know this… 

Every wanderer can wake up.

Every straggler can catch up.

Everyone is meant for WayFind. 

Our life mission is to help people find their calling and make life count because life is meant to be enjoyed and too short to live miserable. God Bless You!


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